Annapurna Taxi Services - Disclaimer

1. Use of Our Services

By using our taxi services, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

2. No Warranties

2.1. Our services are provided "as is" and "as available." We make no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, or availability of our services.

2.2. We do not warrant that our services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free of harmful components, such as viruses.

3. Limitation of Liability

3.1. In no event shall Annapurna Taxi Services be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, revenue, data, or use.

3.2. We are not responsible for any loss or damage to your property or any personal injury during the use of our services.

4. Third-Party Content

4.1. Our website or services may contain links to third-party websites or content. We do not endorse, control, or accept any responsibility for such content or websites.

5. Accuracy of Information

5.1. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content. We recommend verifying any critical information independently.

6. Travel Advisories and Regulations

6.1. Passengers are responsible for complying with all travel advisories, regulations, and laws related to their trip. Annapurna Taxi Services is not responsible for any consequences arising from a passenger's failure to comply with such regulations.

7. Changes to Services

7.1. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our services at any time without notice.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer or our services, please contact us at

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